For some reason, I feel compelled to share a day in my life. So here's my first blog in over a year...
6:30am- Alarm goes off, press snooze.
6:39am- Alarm goes off again, usually get up. (Curt is usually up, showered, protein shake drank, lunch packed and out the door by now. Some days, he's on his way out as I'm getting up. But, never before he's given me a good by kiss before he heads downstairs.) Potty, brush teeth, shower, hair, make up, get dressed. (From here on, it all depends upon when Reese wakes up.)
Reese generally is awake by 7:00am, 8:30am at the latest. I usually putz around the house until she wakes up. These are some of the activities: email, Facebook, watch some recorded TV that Curt doesn't care for (Oprah, Ellen, DWTS, or MTV trash online), organize my shopping lists for the day, or any other quick things that I am content stopping if Reese wakes up.
We'll say 7:30am, since that's the usual wake up time- Get Reese out of her crib, change her diaper, breast feed her for about 15-20 minutes, head downstairs for some morning play time.
8:15am- Make Reese her breakfast. Usually some frozen fruit of some sort, 3 scoops of oatmeal cereal, tablespoon of vanilla yogurt and a splash or two of milk then whirred together in the Magic Bullet. After she gobbles it up, I pacify her with some Cheerios while I eat oatmeal/cereal/toast and clean up the kitchen a bit.
8:45am- Play time in the living room. Sometimes I have recorded TV on in the background. But try not to as she is showing more and more interest in it. Playtime can be anything from reading books, emptying the toy basket, the play table, walking behind her push toy, walking with mommy holding her, doing more and more walking alone, playing with anything she's not supposed to, chasing after the kitties, looking out the front window, sometimes go for a walk if it isn't too chilly out now, etc, etc.
10:00am- Out to run errands, the usual Target or Cub run, sometimes elsewhere. Usually only one place at a time, b/c we never know how long the contentedness lasts. Or we go to her class, Little Movers, on Tuesdays.
12:00pm- Start the lunch process. Usually a homemade meal I've made, sometimes a jar of food if I didn't remember to take one out to defrost. I eat lunch usually while I'm feeding Reese, usually something simple.
1:00pm- Naptime. As of late, this has lasted about 2 hours. I then take this time to complete the chores that are assigned that day. I have made a chart of chores for the week and do my best to complete those tasks during this time. That way it's not overwhelming to do them all in one day, and my weekends aren't filled with cleaning. I will watch some more recorded TV, Facebook, email, general internet use.
3:00pm- Reese wakes up. Bring a sippy cup of milk upstairs and try to get her to drink as much as possible while rocking in the chair and cuddling. Head downstairs for play time, which consists of the same activities listed above. I will also do some more computer time during this time as well. Reese is really good at playing independently, so I don't always interact with her. She needs her alone playing time too.
4:00pm- I usually have the, "Man, I hate making dinner." moment. Try to figure out something if I wasn't smart earlier in the day to figure it out. I usually try to make some sort of contact with Curt to get an ETA. Generally, he is home by 5:30pm at the latest. If Reese is fussy, I will try to give her a little snack to tide her over.
5:00pm- Dinner time for Reese. I try my hardest to hold her off until 5:30, but that doesn't always work. Depending what is for dinner, I try to get it started and while it's cooking, feed Reese. When I'm putting it together to cook, I'll usually give her cut up fruit to feed herself. Then while cooking, I will then give her the rest of her meal. During this time, Curt usually comes home and finishes cooking and getting our dinner together. We've got to get better at getting all three of us together eating. But, that's hard to do! Snacks might just have to get larger for Reese!
6:00pm- Curt and Reese usually play together, and most nights I join in too. Unless the kitchen is a disaster and I want to clean it up while they play.
6:45pm- Bath time and bed time for Reese. Curt gives Reese her bath and I get jammies, diaper, towel, etc. ready for her. I dry her off, and dress her, then Curt brushes her teeth, and gives her good night kisses. I nurser her about 15 minutes, stand up and rock/bounce her for the first 3 songs of her cd (10 minutes maximum), lay her down drowsy, and walk out.
7:15pm- Head downstairs for some relaxation. Curt usually cleans up the kitchen, toys, etc while I'm up feeding Reese. So we can both relax once Reese is down. We'll watch recorded TV (it is rarely ever live TV b/c we can't keep up with shows. I honestly don't know what it's like to watch TV with commercials!) I will Facebook, email, general internet use usually the entire time I am sitting and watching TV. Sometimes I will do little things like call my mom, organize things for the next day, make baby food, for example.
9:00/9:30pm- Make the move to go to bed. Depending on how much TV we really want to watch. Brush teeth, take vitamins, jammies on and lights out by 10:00pm at the latest.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Monday, August 24, 2009
It's on...
like Donkey Kong!!! Okay, so maybe it's not that big of a deal. But, I'm realizing that I have just over two months until my life will be consumed with a baby and lack of sleep. I have been slowly, and I mean slowly, reading the Twilight series, and my mission is to complete the series by October. Can it be done? You'd think so, considering I don't have a job!! Ha!! Happy reading!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Winner, winner, I got brownies!
So a few days ago I set my Facebook status to say, "All I need is a winning Powerball ticket and some brownies, then I'll be set." So needless to say, I should have been more specific. My ticket won me $7.00, and I made brownies today. I guess I should have said that I need to win the Powerball jackpot!!! Oh well, maybe next time!!! At least I got the brownies! :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

After another few weeks of absolute frustration trying to barricade myself in bed with pillows, I gave up and purchased a maternity body pillow. I got up this morning absolutely exhausted b/c I spent the night tossing and turning, and waking up about every hour to resituate myself. I am looking forward to going to bed tonight (or possibly an afternoon nap) with my new purchase!! Let's hope for some hip and back relief!!! I chose the Snoogle b/c I am a total back sleeper and I wake up on my back everytime, regardless of how I build my pillow castle. This will hopefully prevent that as it can wrap around your front or back. I'm super excited about this!! Plus, I was smart and found it at Burlington Coat Factory for $39.99, and I was planning on driving all the way up to Babies R Us to pay $52.99!! Score one for me!! I will let everyone know how my first night of 'snoogling' goes!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Pink, or not too pink, that is the question!
So I put on the first coat of paint today in the nursery. I hoped to have the pink completed, but the pink might be too pink for me!! I put a second coat on one of the small walls to see if that made a difference, and I'm waiting for it to dry to make my decision. If not, it's off to Home Depot to have them add some white to my second gallon to help the cause, b/c I can't have a screamingly pink nursery!! That's not how I roll. I will have brown added to two of the main walls, so that might ultimately help, but I want more of a suttle pink, and this ain't suttle!! So, the painting might not be completed until early next week, when I hoped to be done Friday. Oh well. I've got time!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'm an acrobat.
Another task burdened by pregnancy, painting my toe nails. I haven't had my nails painted for a few weeks, and decided that I needed to perk them up a bit. Let's just say that it is most likely the last time I will be painting my own toe nails until after November!! Man did I have to do some crazy acrobatics just to get some pink on my toes. There is no way I could be my perfectionist self this time around. So next time, it is either a near and dear loved one, or I'm paying someone at the salon!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Side to Side
So as my belly continues to grow, it is getting more and more difficult to move around in bed at night. I seem to wake up every time I need to move positions. The most difficult part is that I am a total back sleeper, and I need to be on my back to fall asleep. I do sleep on my side, but not the entire night!! I hate waking up after being on one side for a long time b/c my shoulder kills!! Not to mention, that when I lay on my side, I tend to scrunch up in a ball and then I irritate my wrist that I have had issues with! Ugh, only three more months!! I still lay on my back, but not the whole night, I figure, what does a little here and there do, if it brings me some sort of relief, then whatever! The worst part is definitely getting up in the morning, b/c my back is so sore, but after a little bit of movement, it isn't that bad. Just stiff from not moving as much in the night. I do use our big pillows that we have on the bed on each side of me to bring some support, but who knows what it really is doing. Oh well, it could be a lot worse!!
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